It's baaaaack! AAAAND here we go!
Smoke and Mirrors webseries. I love this series. This is a good series about short-term flings, long-term relationships, and trust. I have watched this series again and again. I really hope that the writers come up with something new. The soundtrack is amazing as well. I had to find those tracks. Start from episode 1 and enjoy. Here's a description:
Too often in love, people are not straight shooters. Enough of the time people don't simply lay their cards on the table and let the other make an educated decision. With no "carfax" you are left to take people based on what's in front of you but that's not always their real selves. It's an optical illusion. "Smoke and Mirrors" centers around the life of newly single, filmmaker Sonny Richard, who must reacclimate himself to the complexities of male and female relationships, just when he thought he had it all figured out.

The Read podcast. I don't normally stay on celebrity hot topics and such but I have always loved Kid Fury's videos. Twitter introduced me to Crissle's funny self. So when the duo linked up and created this podcast, I knew it would be greatness. Their commentary on hot topics should never be overlooked. I feel like they hit on things that people would want to say but don't because of STANS (stalker-fans) out there. I love their views on love, religion, bullying, etc.. They have guests on the show from time to time and give advice to people who write in. I love hearing from the folks who write back with their updates. Overall good podcast.

All things
Travel Noire! Especially their
instagram. I have always wanted to travel but never really had to courage to just go for it (planning, booking, etc.). I have always looked for people of color who travel for more inspiration as well as to get advice from. I loved talking to my close friends about traveling but right now we are so scattered so communication is tight. I just found out that a good associate of mine (Zim) is the mastermind behind this iniative and I became even more inspired. I am aiming to network more and meet new people that indulge in this great lifestyle.
Some noteworthy things:
+ I am currently obsessed with
Thailand. I have it on my international travel list. A few of my friends have gone and told me so much about the country. Check out some
reasons why this country is amazing by Nomadic Matt. His post definitely sealed the deal with me.
+ The
Nomadness Tribe. Created by Evita "Evie" Robinson, she brings awareness to people of color who travel. She wants to break the sterotypes that "we", especially Americans, do not travel internationally. I think the tribe is awesome and plan to get my first passport stamp soon so that I can join.
+ The
Dexter series. I have been catching up seasons 5 and up. I started long ago and just stopped out of the blue. Now that the show is up-to-date on Netflix, I have been playing catch up and loving the "extra-ness" of the show. All I can say is, it needs to end soon. How much storyline can these writers think of and why do they keep killing decent characters? WHHHHHY?????!!!
+ Just
YouTube in general. I plan on creating a YT series soon and posting them here. I love the webseries, inspiration channels, makeup/cooking/etc. tutorials, and vlogs. Just a big meltingpot of entertainment.
So what have you been obessed with lately?